Profile of Richard Charteris Publications Recordings Reviews Essay Publishers Contact Richard Charteris

Richard Charteris is a musicologist, writer and editor. He is Emeritus Professor in Historical Musicology at the University of Sydney, Director of the Centre of Early Venetian Music, a Governor of the Dolmetsch Foundation of Great Britain and a member of editorial boards in the USA and Europe. In 1990 he was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, and in 2002 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in London. Among awards he has received is the Centenary Medal in recognition of his contribution to musicology.

The field of his research is European music of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, though his main focus is music of the late Renaissance and early Baroque, especially Venetian. His published work is primarily concerned with the music of Johann Christian Bach, Giovanni Bassano, John Coprario, Giovanni Croce, Alfonso Ferrabosco I and II, Domenico Maria Ferrabosco, Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli, Adam Gumpelzhaimer, Hans Leo Hassler, John Hingeston, Thomas Lupo, Claudio Monteverdi and Daniel and Henry Purcell.

He has uncovered a vast quantity of unknown works and sources and produced many research publications including musicological studies, critical editions and refereed articles published in Europe, the UK and the USA. In particular, he has edited the complete instrumental music of King Charles I's favourite composer, John Coprario, an Englishman who Italianized his surname but kept his English first name, and published it in monographical critical and performing editions issued in Germany, Great Britain and North America, including one in the Musica Britannica series published in London (Royal Musical Association and Stainer & Bell). In addition, he has published a nine-volume critical edition of the complete works of the composer and espionage agent employed by Queen Elizabeth I, Alfonso Ferrabosco I (Hänssler Verlag). His twelve-volume critical edition of the complete works of the famous Venetian composer Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1555-1612), who had a profound impact on music history, is available from the American Institute of Musicology, which is also publishing his critical edition of the works of Giovanni Bassano, one of Gabrieli's colleagues at St Mark's.

His monographs also include an analytical catalogue of the works of Giovanni Gabrieli published in New York and books on the composer Adam Gumpelzhaimer and the collector Emil Bohn published in Germany . Other major books which he has published investigate the music manuscripts in the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C (Pendragon Press); the music collection of the Renaissance bibliophile Johann Georg von Werdenstein found in collections in Munich, Kraków, Londion and elsewhere (Harmonie Park Press); and music, sources and collections relating to Giovanni Gabrieli and his contemporaries (Ashgate).

Richard Charteris has also produced many editions using performance conventions that are used internationally by choirs and instrumental ensembles for concerts, recordings, broadcasts and telecasts. Concerts of Venetian music to which he has contributed have been televised in Europe and elsewhere.

Three of his recent publications comprise:
1. A major study issued in the UK in 2021 about the art works connected to the influential late Renaissance German composer Adam Gumpelzhaimer with significant revelations about his music treatise Compendium musicae which was used extensively throughout Europe and appeared in multiple editions over almost one hundred years, see:
2. A critical edition published in the USA containing scared cori spezzati works by Giovanni Croce, another Venetian colleague of Giovanni Gabriel, with a considerable amount of new information in its written sections, see:
3. A refereed article published in Belgium about some important early music editions that he discovered were originally part of the private library of the great German theologian Martin Luther, see:

His publications and some of his relevant recordings appear on adjoining pages, as do the names and addresses of his publishers.

For further information, see the entries about him in Marquis Who’s Who in the World and Grove Music Online.

Memberships of Professional Bodies

The professional bodies of which Richard Charteris is a member include:

Note: You can click on the names of any one of these professional bodies to visit their website.

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